NAMB CAMPUS MISSIONARY MINISTRY – The NAMB Student Ministry Team invites youth in our SBC churches to be a Campus Missionary. When they make this commitment they are committing to reaching their school for Christ through their church. They are assigned a mentor to help them do so. They are commissioned by their church. There is a lot of support and accountability. High School Graduating Seniors are asked to commit to reaching their college campus for Christ during their freshmen year. The local Collegiate Ministry (church or campus based) will either serve as or assign them a mentor. Their church will commission them. Check out this ministry on the NAMB website. You can find it in the student section.
COLLEGIATE WEEK AT GLORIETA – Last year at Collegiate Week at Glorieta a record number of incoming freshmen were in attendance. Attending was a great way for these students to grow in Christ and to become connected to their local Collegiate Ministry. Now is the time to start promoting this event for 2011.
By: Steve Masters, Transitions Contract Worker
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